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After completing these set up steps, we'll be ready to start developing with the UMA system locally.

The following steps require the git CLI to be installed. If you are on Windows, you can install via Git Bash Shell (link).


Clone the UMA repo. Start in the top-level directory in this repository, protocol/.

  1. Install version 14.x of Node.js and Yarn is installed along with it.
  2. Run the following in the root of the repo to install all packages from the UMA mono repo:

We should be able to compile the smart contracts:

yarn qbuild

If everything worked, we should see the line "> Compiled successfully using:" in the output.


Ganache-CLI was already installed via yarn and now we will use it to run a test-chain with this command:

npx ganache-cli -p 9545 -e 1000000 -l 10000000

Here, we are running Ganache:

  • On localhost port 9545
  • Initializing the test accounts with 1000000 ETH
  • Setting a maximum gas limit of 10 million

This will make sure we have enough ETH and a high enough gas limit to deploy our larger contracts.

If everything was setup correctly, we should be able to run automated tests from protocol/packages/core. In a separate terminal, run the following commands:

cd packages/corenpx hardhat test --network test

These tests will take a while to finish, but if set up correctly, all tests should pass (with the possible exception of a few that depend on the Intrinio API).

Keys and Networks#

When using UMA infrastructure, you often have to open the hardhat console or run a script using hardhat run. When using hardhat in the context of this repository, it's important to understand what types of keys you can use and what to specify for the --network argument.

Public Networks#

Public networks include the Ethereum mainnet and any public testnets, like Rinkeby, Kovan, or Ropsten. If you are using these networks, you'll generally need to know:

  1. Which public network you intend to use. A list of UMA supported networks is available here.

  2. What private key you want to use and how your private keys are stored. Below is information regarding the two types of keys that are supported, mnemonics/seed phrases and hardware wallets.

The --network parameter that's passed to all hardhat commands depends on both of these factors. Here's an example:

npx hardhat console --network rinkeby_mnemonic

That command will tell hardhat that the user wants to use the Rinkeby testnet and their private key is a mnemonic, or seed phrase. Generally, the network argument is structured as --network [NETWORK_NAME]_[KEY_TYPE].

Mnemonic, or seed phrase (less secure)#

Mnemonics are much less secure than using a hardware wallet, but they are also much faster when sending multiple transactions since they don't require as much user input. If you'd like to use a mnemonic, you'll need to start by putting the mnemonic in your shell environment. Do this by running the following command:


With a real mnemonic, this would look like:

export MNEMONIC="candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"

Once you've done that you're ready to run a hardhat command. When using a mnemonic, your network argument should look like --network [NETWORK_NAME]_mnemonic. So, for example, using a mnemonic on Kovan would look like:

npx hardhat console --network kovan_mnemonic

Hardware wallets (more secure)#

Hardware wallets are the more secure way to interact with the system on public networks. We currently only support Ledger hardware wallets, but we plan on supporting more in the future.

To set up a Ledger hardware wallet for use with our system:

  1. Connect the device to your machine.

  2. Use your passcode to unlock it.

  3. Ensure the Ethereum app is installed on your device. Install it if not.

  4. Select the Ethereum app on the device.

  5. Go to the Ethereum app settings on the device and change the "Contract data" setting to yes if it isn't already.

Now that you're set up, you should be able to run hardhat commands with the network argument --network [NETWORK_NAME]_ledger. Note: this network uses the default Ledger Live derivation path: m/44'/60'/x'/0/0. For the legacy derivation path (m/44'/60'/0'/x), use [NETWORK_NAME]_legder_legacy.

For example, you could connect your ledger wallet to the hardhat console and begin running commands against mainnet with the following command:

npx hardhat console --network mainnet_ledger

Note: outgoing transactions will require manual approval on the ledger device. If you fail to approve, the command will hang.